Circular regarding Registration for online courses on IGOT platform.
Circular regarding Reconciliation of discrepancies under Reserve Bank Deposit as per the SOP.
Circular regarding Contribution towards Armed Forces Flag Day Fund.
Circular regarding Court cases related to Pension in the Office of Principal Accountant General, J&K.
Circular regarding Physical Verification of Pensioners / Family Pensioners for the year 2024-25.
Circular regarding Reconciliation of Receipt and Expenditure figures for the year 2024-25
Circular regarding Modalities for Verification of Pensioners/ Family Pensioners residing outside J&K including those residing abroad.
Circular regarding Submission of Monthly Accounts by Treasuries/ Account Rendering Units (ARUs).
Circular regarding Irregularities noticed in the online Data of the Monthly Accounts. (vide No. DGAT-COMP/3/2024-01/7404320/126 dated 24.09.2024)
Circular regarding Physical Verification of Pensioners / Family Pensioners for the year 2024-25.
Physical Verification of Pensioners / Family Pensioners for the year 2023-24.
Physical Verification of Pensioners for the year 2024-25.
Physical Verification of Pensioners/Family Pensioners for the year 2024-25.
Circular regarding Reconciliation of Receipt and Expenditure figures for the year 2023-24
Circular regarding Expenditure Norms (vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/7448030/118 dated 02.04.2024)
Mechanism of TDS deposition for Government Offices and checkpoints for the Drawing and Disbursing Officers and Accounts Officers.
Enforcement of the Model Code of Conduct- Do's and Dont's-regarding.
Regarding Treasuries of Union Territory of J&K- Operationalization of JKPaySys.
e - Payment Under e-Kuber Integration framework-arrangements for March 31 ,2024.
Filling up of posts in Sixteenth Finance Commission on deputation basis- calling for nominations /applications.
Selection for the post of Director (Finance), Power Finance Corporation Limited (PFC), under the Administrative control of Ministry of Power.
Rectification of Error regarding wrong crediting of Long Term Advances in favour of MLAs/MLCs.
Application form for advertisement on deputation basis in National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi.
Implementation of Second National Judicial Pay Commission recommendation regarding retirement benefits, revision of pension/ family pension in respect of Judicial Officers, who served in the Jammu & Kashmir Judicial Services.
Contribution towards Armed Forces Flag Day Fund.
Filling of APRS through SPARROW portal Assessment Year 2022-23.
Extension of date for submission of Life Certificate by Pensioners/Family Pensioners.
Release of payments on account of GP Fund Bills.
Sponsoring names for appointment to the post of Chief Accountant-cum-Financial Advisor in Municipal Corporation of Delhi on deputation basis-further extension of date for submitting applications regarding.
Guidelines to Sanctioning Authority/Drawing and Disbursing officers for sanctioning of GP Fund advance/withdrawal.
Development and Implementation of JKPW-Online Management, Monitoring & Accounting System in Public Works Department.
Circular dated 30.03.2023 Regarding Treasuries of Union Territory of J&K- Operationalization of JKPaySys.
Fraudulent claims of refunds by employees of various departments of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir regarding.
e-Payments under e-Kuber Integration Framework- arrangement for March 31, 2023.
Duties and Responsibilities of Accounts Personnel and Instructions toward their regular presence in the Institutions where they are posted.
Contribution towards the Armed Forces Flag Day Fund.
Extension of date for submission of Life Certificat by Pensioners/ Family Pensioners.
Implementation of Online Filling of Annual Performance Reports by Gazetted Officers of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir on SPARROW.
Ambassador and Champion Model for Nodal Offices implementing NPS in the State Government Sector.
Reconciliation of Receipt and Expenditure Figures for the year 2022-2023.
Non-rendition of Red Accounts to the office of Accountant General (A&E), J&K.
Implementaton of Administrative Management Sysem (AMS) for Government employees in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir
KYC detail of Government Accounts.
Online grievance by a citizen regarding JKPaySys.
Payment of Retainership, Counsel Fee, Incidental Charges to Government Counsels Centralized Mechanism thereof.
Phishing email to mislead the DDOs and employees by unknown senders.
e- Implementation of ODMS (Online Diary Management System), e-Authority and Digitization of Pension Abstract Files.
Vacancy circular for filling (i) three posts of Deputy Director (Finance) and (ii) Four posts of Assistant Director (Finance) on Deputation basis in National Health Authority, an attached office of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare - regarding.
Expenditure/ Cash Management during the last week of Financial Year 2021-2022.
Uploading of bills on e-Kuber Portal by Treasury Officers and instructions to DDOs.
e-Payments under e-Kuber integration framework- arrangements for March 31, 2022.
Expenditure/ Cash Management during the last week of Financial Year 2021-2022.
Filing of Annual Property Returns by all Government employees (Members of J&K Accounts Service) through Online Property Returns System (PRS Portal).
Clarification regarding payment of time barred arrear claims presented at Treasuries.
Online filing of APRs (Annual Performance Reports) of Gazetted Officers.
Online filing of APRs (Annual Performance Reports) of Gazetted Officers.
Submission of Property Returns by Public Servants
Contribution towords the Armed Forces Flag Day Fund. |
Extension of date for submission of Life Certificate by Pensioners/ Family
Pensioners. |
Performance of Government of UT-J&K and State Autonomous Bodies of J&K, in
implementing National Pension System (NPS). |
Settlement of Manual T.E. (Transfer Entry) prior to 31.03.2021. |
Land Compensation Claims. |
Advisory |
Furnishing of
information for seeking Vigilance Clearance through "Online Electronic
Vigilance Clearance Portal". |
Ambassador and Champion Model for Nodal Offices Implementing NPS. |
National Pension
System- Regular Credit Coverage. |
Submission of
Property Returns by Public Servants. |
Integration of Central Government Payment System with NGO DARPAN Portal of
Niti Aayog and related action- instructions regarding. |
Corrections/ modifications in respect of employees data in Centralized
Personal Information System (CPIS). |
Submission of Reserve Category Certificates. |
Expenditure/ Cash Management during the last week of Financial Year 2020-21. |
e-Payments under e-Kuber integration framework-arrangements for March 31,
2021. |
Expenditure/ Cash Management during the last week of Financial Year 2020-21. |
Renewal of Category Certificates. |
Extension >of date for submission of Life Certificate by
pensioners/Family Pensioners. |
Submission of
Property Returns by Public Servants. |
Integration of Central Government Payment System with NGO DARPAN Portal of
Niti Aayog and related action- instructions regarding. |
Corrections/ modifications in respect of employees data in Centralized
Personal Information System (CPIS). |
Submission of Reserve Category Certificates. |
Expenditure/ Cash Management during the last week of Financial Year 2020-21. |
e-Payments under e-Kuber integration framework-arrangements for March 31,
2021. |
Expenditure/ Cash Management during the last week of Financial Year 2020-21. |
Renewal of Category Certificates. |
Extension of date for submission of Life Certificate by
pensioners/Family Pensioners. |
Submission of Property Returns by Public Servants. |
Drawing of bills without Special Authority from the Accountant
General Vide No DGAT/PS/DR/315 dated 30.12.2020. |
Adoption of
Online PRAN Generation Module(OPGM) for subscriber registration under
NPS. |
Extension of date for submission of Life Certificate by
Pensioners/Family Pensioners. |
Contribution towards the Armed forces Flag Day Fund. |
Switching over to e-Stamping. |
Streamlining of
NPS activities in the UT of J&K. |
Circular regarding Submission of Annual Performance Reports (APRs)
Vide No DGAT/PS/DR/179 dated 05.06.2020. |
Implementation of JKPaySys processing of online bills thereof dated 12.05.2020). |
Deduction of one
days's salary as contribution towards "J&K Relief Fund", (vide No.
FD-VII-Gen(216)2020 dated 04.04.2020). |
Expenditure Reforms
(vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/103 dated 23.03.2020). |
Opening of New Minor Head
139-GST-Tax Deducted as Source Suspense' under Major Head 8658-Suspense
Accounts to the LMMHA (No. DGAT/PS/DR/62 dated 06.02.2020). |
Opening of official Account
by the officers/officials including DDOs of the Government, Corporations,
Public Sector Undertakings and other Development Authorities in the J&K Bank
(No. DGAT/PS/DR/29 dated 23.01.2020). |
Uploading of
Option Forms of the State Service employees for their allocation to the
successor Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh
(No.DGAT/PS/DR/12 dated 10.01.2020). |
Submission of Property
Returns by Public Servants (No. DGAT/CAE-Misc-44/166 dated 30.12.2019). |
Extension of date
for obtaining life certificate from pensioners/Family Pensioners. |
Contribution towards the Armed forces Flag Day Fund. |
Regarding Payment of Excess
Pension and Family Pension (No. DGAT/PS/DR/332 dated 25.11.2019). |
Submission of Annual
Performance Reports (APRs). (No.DGAT/PS/DR/326 dated 21.11.2019). |
Conduct of Type Test of
type knowing orderlies (Notification, No. DGAT/HQ/EM/85 dated 19.11.2019). |
Seeking of options
from the State Service employees for their allocation to the successor Union
Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh
(No.DGAT/PS/DR/274 dated 17.10.2019). |
Instructions of Treasury
Officers (circular No.DGAT/PS/DR/249 dated 20.09.2019). |
Submission of consolidated
information/details regarding the enrolment of employees and premium
deduction details for J&K Govt. Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy in
prescribed format for reconciliation with RGICL (REMINDER)
(No.FD/MI/2019/Reconc/294 dated 11.09.2019). |
for submission of consolidated information/details regarding the enrolment
of employees and premium deduction details for J&K Govt. Group Mediclaim
Insurance Policy on prescribed format for reconciliation with RGICL
(circular No. FD/MI/2019/Reconc/294 dated 11.07.2019). |
Online submission of Bills
in Treasuries for processing by Drawing & Disbursing Officers through IT
enabled "JKPaySys" application vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/174 dated
26.06.2019. |
Submission of consolidated
information/details regarding the enrolment of employees and premium
deduction details for J&K Govt. Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy on
prescribed format for reconciliation with RGICL (circular
No.FD/MI/2019/Reconc/294 dated 17.06.2019). |
Training for
implementation of "JKPaySys" application in the State vide No.
FD-VII-Gen(110)2009-10 dated 08.05.2019. |
Adherence to
rules by the Executing Agencies/Drawing Disbursing Officers while incurring
expenditure out public exchequer vide no DGAT/PS/DR/123 dated 26.04.2019. |
Handling of liabilities
during the current financial year (circular No. FD(Res/CSS/Meeting
Briefs/2019/317 dated 12.04.2019). |
Online submission of Bills
in Treasuries for processing by Drawing and Disbursing Officers through IT
enabled "JKPaySys" application (circular No.111-F of 2019 dated
05.04.2019). |
(vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/109 dated 02.04.2019). |
Allocation under
Centrally Sponsored Schemes and timely submission of Utilization
Certificates by the Departments (vide No. FD/Res/CSS/2018-19/309/168
dated 20.03.2019). |
Expenditure Reforms:
Streamlining spending in Government Departments to avoid last minute rush of
expenditure (vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/95 dated 20.03.2019). |
Electronic mode of payment
from the treasuries of J&K State (vide No.DGAT/T-ADM/ET/101/60/40 dated
14.03.2019). |
Implementation of New Pension
System (NPS) in Jammu and Kashmir State (vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/25 dated
17.01.2019). |
Submission of Pension Cases
of Retiring Employees to the office of Accountant General (A&E), J&K before
six months of their Retirement, vide circular No.
DGAT/PAC/Pension/157/III/PS/DR/07 dated 07.01.2019. |
Circular regarding
processing of bills for payments in the TreasuryNet, vide No.DGAT/PS/DR/561
dated 14.12.2018. |
Circular regarding working
of treasuries, vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/550 dated 12.12.2018. |
Omissions and errors of
accounting nature in Monthly Civil Accounts, vide No.
DGAT/T-Misc/CL.Bal/155-IV/217/PS/DR/542 dated 07.12.2018. |
Contribution towards the
Armed Forces Flag Day Fund, vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/540 dated 07.12.2018. |
Submission of Property
Returns by Public Servants vide No. DGAT/CAE-Misc-44/243 dated 12.11.2018). |
Bio-data of members of J&K
Accounts Service, vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/480 dated 24.10.2018. |
Deduction of TDS on account
of salary arrears of 7th pay commission, vide No. DGAT/T-Misc/TDS/2018/373
dated 24.10.2018). |
Allocations/Expenditure under Treasury Net/BEAMS, vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/477
dated 23.10.2018). |
Submission of Annual
Performance Reports (APRs), vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/449 dated 11.10.2018. |
Reconciliation of Accounts
(vide No.DGAT/PS/DR/428 dated 24.09.2018). |
Monthly status update on
implementation of National Pension System (NPS) in State Autonomous Bodies
(SABs) of Jammu and Kashmir. |
Non-compliance of
transfer/posting orders (vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/N-Adm/319 dated 12.09.2018). |
Delay in Repayment of
advance and interest thereon (vide No. DGAT/T-MISC/91-IV/322 dated
27.08.2018). |
SMS alert for GP Fund Account
holders (vide No. DGAT/T-Misc/GPF/37/210 dated 19.06.2018). |
Rationalization Pension
Structure for pre 01.01.2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners (vide
DGAT/PAC/Pension/157-IV/146 dated 30.05.2018). |
Regularization of Ministerial Staff borne on the establishment of
Inter-Seniority Organization, NOTICE). |
Appointment against the post of Accounts Assistants (Apprentice) in Finance
Department Vide Order no 37-Acctts of 2018 dated 29.01.2018(Notice) |
of Original testimonials of Data Entry Operators under State Cadre in
Finance Department.(Notice) |
Grant of Functional/Non
Functional pay Scale(s) to the Junior Scale Accounts Officers of
J&K, Accounts (Gazetted) Service. (NOTICE) |
Integration of
BEAMS with TreasuryNet and necessary updation of DDO Code/AG Code. |
Expenditure Management during
the last week of Financial Year 2017-18 (vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/137 dated
24.03.2018). |
Providing status of pension
cases through SMS gateway (vide No. DGAT/PAC/GC/1518/136 dated 20.03.2018). |
Delegation of Drawing and
Disbursing Powers in favour of Accounts Officers and Chief Accounts Officers
(vide No. DGAT/T-262/8/156 dated 19.03.2018). |
List of J&K
State Government Employees retiring in the year ending 31.03.2018(2017-18). |
Uploading of budget on PAYSYS
AND Pay and Accounts Office System (vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/98 dated
Implementation of Centralized
Personnel Information System (CPIS) in the J&K State Access, Verification
and updation of the data by the DDOs required for Pay Manager/PAO System
(vide No.DGAT/Comp-Try/CPIS/467-A/08 dated 07.03.2018).
Roll out of Pay & Accounts
Office System (vide No.DGAT/PS/DR/93 dated 06.03.2018).
Operating upon new head "Wages (Outsourcing)" for payments of wages to
various categories. |
Contribution towards the
Armed Force Flag Day Fund ( vide No. DGAT/T-Misc/Fund/102/PS/DR/19 dated
09.01.2018). |
NPS Performance Review of
State Government of Jammu and Kashmir through Video conference/Telephonic
Review with PFRDA on 14th December, 2017 (vide No.DGAT/PS/DR/414 dated
19.12.2017). |
Outstanding replies to
Audit Paras & Audit Inspection Reports by the Government Departments/DDOs
(vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/410 dated 18.12.2017). |
Implementation of
Centralized Personnel Information System (CPIS) in the J&K State. Access,
Verification and updation of data by the DDO's (vide
No.DGAT/Comp-Try/CPIS/467-A/53 dated 21.11.2017). |
Opening of official
e-mail in respect of Director General, Accounts & Treasuries, Finance
Department (vide No.DGAT/PS/DR/327 dated 09.10.2017) |
Accounting and
settlement of contingent expenditure of Government of J&K in contravention
of Codal Provisions (vide No. DGAT/TA/Circulars/2017/188/PS/DR/315 dated
26.09.2017). |
Eight-tier classification
for booking of expenditure under Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) (vide
No.DGAT/PS/DR/105 dated 18.04.2017). |
Withdrawal of money from
Treasuries through self cheques by Works/Forest Divisions-Advisory thereof
(No.DGAT/T-Adm/Misc/ET/101/283 dated 09.03.2017). |
Duties and
Responsibilities of Assistant Accounts Officers Vide Circular No.03-RD & PR
of 2017 dated 24.01.2017. |
Contribution towards the
Armed Force Flag Day Fund (No.DGAT/PS/DR/419 dated 07.12.2016). |
of Centralized Personnel Information System (CPIS) in the J&K State. Access,
Verification and updation of the data by the DDO's (
No.DGAT/Comp-Try/CPIS/467/PS/DR/408 dated 28.11.2016). |
Review of attendance of
employees in the Government Offices. |
Electronic mode of
payments from the treasuries of J&K State (No.DGAT/PS/DR/321 dated
16.08.2016). |
Reconciliation of Receipt
and Expenditure figures for the year 2015-16 (No.DGAT/PS/DR/282 dated
22.06.2016). |
Excess payment of pension
in favourof AIS Officers-verification thereof (No. DGAT/T-Misc/JK
Bank/167/71 dated 17.06.2016). |
Cash neutral
Transactions from the treasuries of J&K State. |
Payment of additional
Pension to be paid to the elderly Pensioners. |
Electronic mode of payments
from the treasuries of J&K State (vide No. DGAT/PS/DR/155 dated 07.04.2016). |
Drawal of Salary for the
month of March, 2016. |
Circular regarding advance
drawals,revalidations,payments at treasuries & Government Cheques. |
Circular regarding presentation of cheques at the treasuries
by Drawing & Disbursing Officers. |
Strict implementation
of SRO-157 of 2001 dated 26.04.2001 (vide No. DGAT/PAC/1382-I/108 dated
16.02.2016). |
Renewal of Group
Mediclaim Insurance policy for all Gazetted Employees of J&K State for 3rd
Year(2016-2017) on mandatory basis. |
Electronic mode of
payments from the treasuries of J&K State. |
Streamlining and avoiding rush
of expenditure in the last few days of March, 2016. |
Superannuation of Class-IV
borne on Accounts and Treasuries Organization during the calander Year
2016,2017 and 2018. |
Superannuation of
Sectional Officers borne on Accounts and Treasuries Organization during the
calander Year 2016,2017 and 2018. |
Superannuation of the Accounts Personal of Various Public Sector
Undertakings/Corporations presently on Deputation to Finance Department
(Directorate General of Accounts and Treasuries) as Accounts Assistants,during
the Calender Years 2016,2017 and 2018. |
Superannuation of Members of
Kashmir Subordinate Accounts Service,Class-III,(Accounts Assistants)
during the Calender Years 2016,2017 and 2018. |
Superannuation of Members of
Kashmir Subordinate Accounts Service,Class-II,(Accountants)
during the Calender Years 2016,2017 and 2018. |
Superannuation of Members of Jammu and Kashmir Accounts (Gazetted)
Service from GovernmentService during the Calender Years 2016,2017 and 2018. |
Contribution towards the Armed
Force Flag Day Fund. |
Superannuation of Members of
Kashmir Subordinate Accounts Service,Class-I,(Assistant Accounts Officers)
during the Calender Years 2016,2017 and 2018. |
Submission of Annual Property
Returns. |
Cash Neutral
Transactions from the Treasuries of J&K State. |
Circular No.DGAT-Comp-Try-Aadhaar.55 dated 30.11.2015 |
Submission of Government Employees Aadhaar Number, No.DGAT-PS-DR-508 dated 23.10.2015 |
Clarification of Pensions and other benefits to AIS Officers,retiring from Govt.of India-St.Govts. exercising of option.No.DGAT-TI-417 dt.11.09.2015 |
Payment of Salary at Treasuries . No.DGAT-PS-DR-456 dated 03.09.2015 |
Deduction of Premium towards Group Personnel Accendial Insurnace Policy for the year 2015-16 , DGAT-TI-MISC-334 dated 28.08.2015 |
Reconcillation of Departmental Expenditure-Receipt Accounts for the year 2014-15 |
Duties and functions of Accounts Assistants , Accountants, Assistant Accounts Officers , No.DGAT-PS-DR-403, dated 29.07.2015 |
Annual Performance Reports (APRs) , NO.DGAT-PS-DR-373 dated 02.07.2015 |
ANNUAL REVIEW ON WORKING OF TREASURIES (J&K STATE) FOR THE YEAR 2012-13, No.DGAT-TI-Annual Review2012-13-393 dated 19.06.2015 |
Rationalization of Pension of Pre-01.01.2006 , Pensioners-family pensioners in terms of G.O. No. 57- F of 2013 dated 11.03.2013, No.DGAT-PAC-157-III-22, dated 15.05.2015 |
Reconcillation of Dep. Exp. Figures and Receipt for the FY 2014-15, No.DGAT-PAC-1382-I-2015-21 dated 14.05.2015 |
Opening of official Acc. by the Officers-Officials in the J& K Bank. NoDGAT-PS-DR-202 dated 08.04.2015 |
Circular Instructions regarding payment of bills-cheques at treasuries on 31 March , No.DGAT-PS-DR-130, dated 10.03.2015 |
Initiation, Review and Acceptance of Annual Performance Reports, No DGAT-CAE-Misc-47-253 Dated 23.02.2015 |
Accountal of Sale proceeds of Stamp on net basis by Try.Officers- Audit Paras regarding No.DGAT-T-Misc-201-15-60 dated 12.02.2015 |
Annual Performance Reports of officers-officials , Circular No. 01(CAE) DGAT of 2015 , dated 11.02.201 |
Contribution towards the Cancer Treatment and Managemant Fund , NO.DGAT-PS-DR-22 dated 23.01.2015 |
Report of Task Force for revival of Public Sector Enterprises, No.DGAT-PS-DR-25 dated 22.01.2015 |
Reconstruction of data , No.DGAT-PS-DR-19 , dated 16.01.2015 |
Non-availability of details of deductions in the memorandum of payments of Chest Holding DDOs, No.DGAT-Comp-Try-Leaseline-2014 -02 dated 14.01.2015 |
Implementation of CPIS in the J&K State -Completion of Employees and Pensioners data thereof.No.DGAT-Comp-Try-CPIS-467-A-01, dated 05.01.2015 |
Contribution towards the Armed Forces Flag Day Fund , No.DGAT-T-Misc-102-587 dated 26.12.2014 |
Submission of Annual Property Returns and APRs , No.DGAT-General-2014-15-103 dated 28.11.2014 |
Outstanding Advance-Imprest amounts against Officers-Officials of the works department , No. DGAT-PS-DR-512 dated 08.07.2014 |
Procedure for uploading of NPS pertaining to the emp. on dep or transfer to Aut.Bodies-Corpns, No. DGAT-Ps-DR-506 dated 03.07.2014 |
Procedure for Collection of Govt. receipts and reconcillation thereof . No.DGAT-T-Adm-Misc-05-257 , dated 17.04.2014 |
Rendition of Monthly Accounts , No.DGAT-PS-DR-308 dated 16.04.2014 |
Imparting of Accountancy Training to the Employees of Various PSU's and Autonomous Bodies , No.DGAT-PS-DR-E-III -ACC-134-86 dated 09.04.2014 |
Remittance of NPS funds solely throuh electronic mode(NEFT-RTGS) from 1st. April 2014, No.DGAT-PS-DR-209 dated 12.03.2014 |
Reconcillation of expenditure-receipt figures ,No.DGAT-PAC-MA-NM-2013-55 dated 10.03.2014 |
Submission of Annual Performance Reports (APRs) , No.DGAT-HQ-EC-29, dated 26.02.2014 |
Submission of Annual Performace Reports(APRs) No.DAT-CAE-EI-EII-EIII-17 , dated 11.02.2014 |
Defence Political (Central) Pension etc. No.DGAT-PS-DR-74 dated 03.02.2014 |
Rendition of accounts complete in all respects by the Works-Forest Division and other cheque drawing units No.DGAT-PS-DR-73 dated 03.02.2014 |
Computerization of Treasuries-producing of cheques for payment at the Trys by the Divisional DDOs in a single head Classification thereof No.DGAT-PS-DR-31 dated 16.01.2014 |
Reconcillation of expenditure-receipt figures No.DGAT-PS-DR-04 dated 01.01.2014 |
Endorsing of copies of sanctions-Govt.Orders to Principal AG (Audit) & AG(A&E) , J&K , No.DGAT-PS-DR-01 dated 01.01.2014 |
Declaration of Assets and submission of property returns by Public Servants No.DGAT-Prop-Stmt-2013-107 dated 26.12.2013 |
Mandatory use of 4 Star and above rated electrical fittings -appliances air conditioners heaters in the State No.DGAT-PS-DR-265 dated 17.12.2013 |
Reconcillation of GPF SLI Accounts by the DDOs with District Fund Officers No.DGAT-PS-DR-264 dated 17.12.2013 |
Filling of Monthly Return on Form No.24 G and Book Identification No.(BIN) by Treasury Officers No.DGAT-PS-DR-258 dated 13.12.2013 |
Registration of Drawing and Disbursing Officer under SRO 90 of 2013 dated 18.03.2013 No.DGAT-PS-DR-249 dated 10.12.2013 |
Implemantation of CPIS .Providing of the information to the Empanelled Vendors thereof. No.DGAT-Comp-Try-CPIS-467-91 dated 14.08.2013 |
Implementation of CPIS _Submission of Employees forms by the DDOs thereof. No.DGAT-Comp-Try-CPIS-467-90 dated 14.08.2013 |
Renewal of Emp. Group Janta Ins. Personnel Accidental Insurance Policy for 3rd.Year and ded. of Premium thereof No.FD-JI-2011-MF-GJPAIP-117 dated 26.06.2013 |
Reconcillation of expenditure-receipt figures No.DGAT-PS-DR-553 dated 19.06.2013 |
Dispensing with the Cheque System and extension of the Civil Acc. System to Public Works , PHE, I&FC , Power Dev. Deptt. and Forest Div. & others No.DGAT-PS-DR 531 060613 |
Physical verifcation of Pensioners for the Year 2013-14 No.DGAT-PS-DR-524 dated 03.06.2013 |
Recording of Complete Six Tier Classification No.DGAT-PS-DR-508 dated 28.05.2013 |
Implementation of Centralized Personnel Information System (CPIS) No.DGAT-PS-DR-497 dated 21.05.2013 |
Information regarding Claims of J&K Govt. on A.c. of Pension paid to the Pensioers of Northern Railways No.DGAT-PS-DR-479 dated 16.05.2013 |
Reconcillation of expenditure and receipt figures No.DGAT-PS-DR-478 dated 15.05.2013 |
Physical Verification of pensioners for the year 2013-14 No.DGAT-PS-DR-460 dated 10.05.2013 |
Clarification issued vide No.DGAT-PS-DR-453 dated 08.05.2013 regarding Dispensing with the 'Cheque System' and extension of the 'Civil Accounting System' to the Public Works,PHE,Irrigation & Flood Control,Power Development and Forest Divisions /other cheque drawing Units in J&K State.(Dated: 11-03-2013)) |
Dispensing with the 'Cheque System' and extension of the 'Civil Accounting System' to the Public Works,PHE,Irrigation & Flood Control,Power Development and Forest Divisions /other cheque drawing Units in J&K State.(Dated: 11-03-2013) |
Use of Aadhaar boi device by employees and pensioners . Training thereof. No.DGAT-Comp-Try-Aadhaar-56 dated 02.12.2015 |
Memo Regarding Budget Estimates Under Constituency Development Fund Scheme Dated 20.03.2013 |
Payment of Pension to the Armed Forces Pensioners Dated 11.03.2013. |
Contribution towords the 'Cancer Treatment and Management Fund for Poor'. |
Subjecting of Service Books to per-check by the Accountant Gernal Before the Prepration of pension cases of retiring Govermanet Employees - a Measure for Speedy settelment for pension cases. |
Excess payment of pensionto the State Pensioners by various Business Units of J&K Bank and Treasury Officers. |
Training on TreasuryNet Application. |
Physical Verification of Pensioners. |